Saturday, March 14, 2009

Youth For Christ

It was another awesome event at the North Iowa Youth For Christ Comedy Cafe fundraiser. Special guest comedians were Bean and Bailey. They have a hilarious musical comedy duo they put on. There was an open coffee bar which I took full advantage of. It's after midnight and I'm definitely still wide awake.

I'm always amazed when I see teens give testimonies on living their lives for Christ. In a way it makes me feel regret on how I lived my life. I wish I had been stronger. I'm extremely thankful that I am able to sow into such a great ministry. What they do for these kids is truly awesome and is nothing short of a God thing. I know what the kids are going through these days with the temptations, the roadblocks and detours that are in front of them. I can recall all the negative things that were in my way as a youth. It seems with the youth of today there is just a little more than there was when I was that age and that wasn't all that long ago. Just what young people need with their underdeveloped minds and spirits (that was sarcasm in case you didn't pick up on that). I love hearing the good news of teens having those chains of addiction and sin broken off over their lives and living new lives in Christ. It over joys my spirit because I know what a battle it is. The quicker you break that evil spirit the better. The older you get, the tighter the bonds become.

I can actually understand why so many people do commit suicide. If you have never been stuck in addiction you probably don't understand. When you make the decision to quit and fight those powers you go through a huge mental battle. If you don't know the voice of the Lord look out. The addiction becomes more than an addiction. After ten, twenty, thirty years it becomes a life style. Without Christ it's almost impossible to completely recover and regain your life back. I thank God for ministries like YFC that make an impact with our little people and our communities. This particular YFC covers around ten counties and ministers to approximately 10 or 15 thousand teens if I remember correctly. I think my body is finally starting to decaffeinate now that it is after one in the morning so its time for bed.


RCrotty said...

I know what is like to have suicide thoughts. With my battle with my self-esteem and depression I felt like doing it when I was younger. After this past year going to Church I realize that God has a reason for me to be here and if he didn't I would not have been born. Thanks for listening to me. See you later.

mike said...

Hi Ruth,

Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you have found the Lord and a purpose. I used to deal with those emotions all the time growing up.

I want to thank you for giving me that book. It only gets better and better. It has made me look at the way I minister to others already.