Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Testimony And Message

I gave my first message tonight. I feel it could have gone better. But all in all it wasn't horrible. I wasn't very nervous until I stood up in front of everybody. It's hard to explain but its like there was a fog in my brain that clouded my thoughts. This is the same feeling that floods over me every single time I've stepped out of my comfort zone. I know it will go away in due time as I get used to it.

I started out my message letting everyone know I was doing this for the glory of the Lord. The Lord has put it on my heart to tell my message of repentance and deliverance. The Lord has told me that if I leave this undone and don't tell people what He's done in my life then He isn't getting the glory He deserves. Then I heard someone say to "leave nothing undone that might glorify God." That's pretty much when I decided I was suppose to do this.

I continued with some scripture about repentance. We broke the word 'repent' down into definition and covered some scripture in the Amplified version to clarify. I gave some examples of people I know that think they don't have to repent or change at all to be forgiven and get to heaven. And I said they're in deception because there is no forgiveness of sins without repentance. Then I had some scripture to back that up.

Then we moved on to weaknesses and how us Christians struggle with weakness as well. I talked about how we should not give in to our weaknesses. This is where satan will strike the hardest. If we give in to these things we will continue to struggle through out our lives. I discussed some different types of weaknesses that plague us (the body of Christ) that we sometimes don't see as sin or weakness. I talked a little on self-deception when we justify sin (weakness). I then gave another example of a man I know that is hiding pornography from his wife yet is willing to ignore it until she happens across it. He said he'll cross that bridge when he gets there. He is indulging in his weakness instead of repenting.

I gave an example of Judas who walked with Christ Jesus and indulged in his weakness and it led to his demise. Peter and Judas both sinned against the Lord yet Peter repented and forgave himself and found forgiveness. Also, I gave an example of Cain from the book of Genesis. He had a chance to repent and bring a better offering to the Lord. One from his heart if he would only change his mind and purpose. Cain let his covetness and jealousy dictate his moves instead. We are all given the chance to get things right.


Kris Sorensen said...

Sounds like a great message that every Christian needs to hear over and over. Great job.

von said...

That just sounds wonderful, Mike! You did such a great job! Bless you for walking outside our comfort zone.

RCrotty said...

You did a great job. I am so glad that God has came into your life and saved you. I am also glad that God talk to you to talk to us. I don't think I would have anything to talk about.