Saturday, November 14, 2009

Are You Serving For The Right Reasons?

I have learned not to look toward people for praise. Although it's nice to get a thank you, or a 'That A Boy' or a 'Job Well Done' once in a while, that's not why I work hard at everything I do. This is true for every area of my life and your life as well. Whether you're on the job site, at home, volunteering your time and talents or serving in the church for Christ, you shouldn't look for that pat on the back. You will only set yourself up for disappointment. If I'm at work I'm working for the Lord, if I'm serving the church I'm working for the Lord, If I'm volunteering my time for a worthy cause I'm working for the Lord. I will get my pat on the back in due time. In this life and the next I'm sure.

Recently I over heard a man complaining about our Staff Appreciation Day we had at our church. Take note this was an appreciation to those who are on staff and work with the pastor to keep things organized and running smoothly as possible. This man was disgruntled because he does something (I won't mention what so not to give his identity away) once a month for the church and his wife also serves in the church. I heard him saying "I see what kind of church I go to, I do this and my wife does that but we don't get no appreciation" Now you can see how this man has set himself up for disappointment. I seriously wanted to lay into him not just because what he was saying was wrong but because he was saying these things in front of first time guests in the foyer.

I don't serve Christ in the church to be noticed by man and you shouldn't either. When at our day jobs we shouldn't do things only to be noticed by our superiors. When no one is around I work just as hard as if my boss were in the same room. It's all our reasonable service toward God. I feel if this man were seriously serving the Lord he would never be upset about not being recognized. It saddens my heart and makes me wonder who this man is truly serving. In my mind I think he is only serving himself. How can we ever find the joy of the Lord serving only ourselves? Who are you serving and why?


Kris Sorensen said...

Good point Mike. We too easily become glory hogs. We long for worship, the worship that is to go to God alone. Encouragement is one thing, desiring glory for ourselves is idolatry.

Char said...

This also gives us insight to what is going on in this mans heart. It is still very dark, and he has not renewed his mind to the word of God.

von said...

I pray he will want to service the Lord only.