Monday, March 8, 2010

Curve Ball

It amazes me how life can just throw you a curve ball. Something you don't see coming. Recently God has been doing some amazing things in my life. He has been giving me favor at work big time. for instance, we are laying people off right now, but last week I got a raise. They keep laying more and more responsibility on me. I know if it weren't for the Christian work values I've learned in the last two years this would of never happened and I would be one of the guys getting laid off. I seem to find God answering more and more prayers as I lay my burdens upon Him. Small or great, I take everything to the Lord in prayer and let Him deal with it and everything seems to fall in line.

I've been praying for Suzy's financial situation to turn around for sometime. Recently she felt it upon her heart to quit one of her jobs. One that has been not just a job but full time ministry work for her. This job has supported her for almost five years and she stepped out in faith. Not even a day later she got word of another job starting soon in Clear Lake. Just today she had an interview and found out she will have over a 200% pay increase if they choose her for the job (Please keep this in prayer). I also have seen prayers answered concerning my van ministry. Asking the Lord to simply show me this is where He wants me and for Him to really start making it evident to me. Last week I had an awesome experience ministering to a young man who I know is troubled and confused. He seemed to be like a dry sponge soaking up everything I had to say. Praise God!!!

But now for the curve ball. Something I didn't see coming hits me right between the eyes. I received a message on Facebook from a young lady claiming to be my sister. No not one sister but two. Not two sisters but also a brother. So just like that I have two sisters and a brother I've never met. They tell me they have been searching for me for two years now but have always known they had a brother somewhere out there. I find it all to be rather strange. I can only take this as an opportunity to let the light of Christ shine. Is this another open door? Is God up to something here? I'm confused and caught off guard. I guess I will see how things go as I build some relations between us four. Funny thing, even in baseball I was never any good at hitting curve balls. We will see how God works through me in this.

1 comment:

Kris Sorensen said...

Wow. That really is interesting. God is obviously up to something (as He always is :)