Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednesday Night Drama

We had an unruly teenager on the church bus tonight. He felt he could boss the other children around because he is older and stronger. He shouts in their faces and tells them to shut up. He wouldn't do what he was told and my other bus driver lost it and kicked him off the bus with a lot of screaming involved.

I don't know if the situation was handled correctly or not. I feel the kid had it coming. He has a big mouth and needs to learn some respect which he obviously isn't learning at home. He needs these nights at the Youth Center but where do you draw the line.

There are several people very unhappy with the way the situation was handled. I'm curious of how these other individuals would of handled it. Would this kid of even listened to them? Would these individuals just have caved in and let the snot get away with whatever he wanted? I pray for wisdom concerning such things and how to handle them correctly. I also pray that this incident doesn't hinder this young man from coming to and learning at our youth group meetings.


RCrotty said...

I don't know How I would have handled it. But I heard that it was not good. I probly would have let the kid get a way with it. I am such a Push over.

von said...

I am sure everyone will have a side to weight in on especially now that an issue was raised and was delete with. It is probably the yelling part that is the issue.

I do know that you can go to the bank with the bad behavior continuing if not delete with. This young man will get attention some way or other even if it is negative. Since the negative looks positive to him at this time.
All children want and need to know where they stand with others (family and others) So, until the boundaries are set for him, he will keep asking all of you where those boundaries are.
For those people who think he should be koteled, if they are the parent of the ones who were being bulled I think they may have a different opinion.
Loving this young man to Christ with boundaries is the key. He will need to know he is loved with out the bulling behavior. I do hope he continues to go to youth group too. However, if he chooses not to; just know you bus drivers and helpers have a whole bus full of people under your care. And I think that other parents will be greatful that you are looking out for their children too.
May God bless you both in your most important work.