Friday, April 16, 2010

Dealing With Anger

I've been learning how to deal with my anger lately. I guess I have been learning this for some time now but finally I am starting to get better control over it. Where once I used to throw or break things out of rage, now I can convert my anger and rage somewhere else. I still need to work on my thought process and carrying all my thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ but my actions have made a drastic improvement.

Today at work my supervisor said some things that sent me overboard. I was self controlled enough not to let everyone know I was steaming inside. I continued to do my work but couldn't help but think of the things I would like to say to Mr. Poopie Pants.

My new release when I feel the rage building in me is chopping wood and running my chainsaw. This seems to help me vent just enough to get the rage out of me. There's nothing like making lots of noise and breaking stuff in a constructive manner. I hope I don't run out of wood to cut and chop. Then I might have to start cutting my own trees down. That wouldn't be good.


Char said...

Mr. Poopie Pants huh? That will teach him! LOL
I know what you mean though, I spend alot of time thinking of how I have to deal with those situations. Because I expect them to blow up in my face everyday at work. Usually they don't. The Lord reminded me that a kind answer turns away wrath,

Derek Chalfant said...

Drums are a good way to release frustrations as well, so go buy yourself a drum kit and bang away.