Saturday, January 10, 2009


My tree has made remarkable improvements. Just days after laying hands on this tree and speaking life back into it, brown and dying branches started to slowly turn green. On a lot of the branches there were dead buds. Now green buds are protruding through the old dead ones. It's hard to make out but the tips of the buds are brown. They were completely brown and slowly green ones started growing within them and eventually the dead brown stuff just fell of completely. My pictures aren't very clear. Still trying to figure out this camera.
Take note that I did not give this tree any plant food. I wanted to use words to bring it back to life and of course water helped a little. It bounced back quicker than I thought it would. Thus proving life and death are in the power of the tongue.

1 comment:

von said...

Thats great. I had no knowledge of what to do for your tree either. So speaking life back into it sounds good to me. And as we can all see it works!