Saturday, January 10, 2009

Shhhhh... Are You Listening?

Earlier tonight I was walking through a store. I was behind a lady and apparently her two daughters. As this woman darted here and there her children followed. I noticed the mother was wearing a coat with fluffy animal fur around the hood. Both her children were also wearing similar coats all with animal fur around the hood. I also noticed they all had the same style boots on. All three were different yet the same style. As I was observing this I noticed how they all three looked a like yet were just a bit different.These kids were in the image of their mother. This got me thinking on how we are all in the image of our Heavenly Father.

Later at home while cooking supper I was trying to feed my dog some scraps. I wanted her to do some of her routine tricks to earn her snack. She refused to listen and do what I wanted. I in return got upset and yelled at her. I said, "How do you expect me to give you anything when you won't do what I tell you to do." Suddenly I was swept back to the store were I observed the whole image of God thing and felt God imply something to me. God said, "If you are in my image then how much more do you think I want to give things to you. How much more should you do what your told." Well my attitude changed real quick right then. We need to obey God and do what He says in order to receive all He wants to give.

It is plain as day in the Word of God. In more than one place it tells us to obey His commandments and He will bless us with more than enough. In Malachi it tells us to bring the whole tenth of our incomes into the storehouse. The Lord tells us to test Him in this, that he will open the windows of Heaven and pour out a blessing. In John 2 we read about the miracle at Cana. This is where Jesus turned the water into wine. Jesus' mother told the servants, "Whatever He says to you, do it." In order for them to receive their miracle they had to do exactly what He told them, nothing more, nothing less.

Sometimes it's hard for me to hear His voice with so many other voices around me. How can I do what He says if I'm not listening? I need to stay focused on Him and His Word. This is the only thing I can think of. I can't expect God to just come down and sit with me and say, "Hey Mike, would you do this thing for me and I will do this thing for you. He isn't going to send me a text message and give me a straight command to do a certain thing. It's up to me to be disciplined in discerning the sound of His voice. Spending time in prayer and His Word has to be the key. I wouldn't be this far in my walk without it.

1 comment:

von said...

very profound! That is more knowledge than most people have. Also, I always find that I have to remind myself of these same facts. You'd think I'd learn faster. :)