Sunday, July 12, 2009

Creative Masterpiece

I was thinking back 0n the 4th of July celebration just last weekend. Sitting along side the road waiting for the parade to start up I couldn't help but notice God's handy work. This is something I've pondered on before, especially when in the mix of hundreds to thousands of people.

All along the road sides were hundreds of people that all differed in appearance. It's amazing how God can make so many people that all look different. We are God's work of art, His workmanship. I, amongst all these people am a work of art. I'm not the most beautiful person in the world nor am I the ugliest. But I am created by God for a purpose and am a work of art. God's masterpiece.


RCrotty said...

I just read of book by Lisa Bevere call you are not what you weigh. In the book it said that no matter what you look like you are beautiful to God. It has helped when I look at other people and if I used to think that they were ugly I know think that God made them that way for a reason. That has also helped me because of my low self-esteem.

mike said...


Thanks for your comment. Sometimes I see people and think, WOW Lord, you make some ugly people. Of course outer beauty is vain but wow.

I have to ask God to give me His eyes to see His people the way He sees them.

Also, I have been plagued by the whole low self-esteem thing as well. As I get older I could really care less. Care less on how I look that is. I've been fat once. and now I'm as skinny as a rail. Whats worse you might ask? I don't know, they both stink if you ask me.

Personaly I wouldn't dwell on how you might look to others. Personality goes a very long way! I've actually dated some rather funky looking women just because their personality did something for me.