Monday, July 13, 2009

I Should Be Excited

We have a new guy starting at work tomorrow so we can stay caught up. When all other cabinet shops are going out of business, cutting hours, cutting pay and laying off people, we are swamped. Today we even started working mandatory over time.

I should be excited about a new person. This means another person that the Lord is placing in my path. I don't ever know what to expect when a new person comes to work for us. I anticipate a believer but my experience more than none says not likely. Really this should be considered a blessing to be able to witness to another lost and hurting person. I'm looking to be stirred up about this chance to build another relationship with someone. I don't feel stirred up though. I feel dread. Is this normal? I feel like this is going to be one more person that will try my patience daily. One more person to tell me I suck, and give me the cold shoulder.

Though the scriptures say to count it as joy when hardship or the trying of patience comes. I don't feel too joyous right now. I'll have to keep telling myself to walk in love, walk in love. I'm off to tell myself how truly pumped and stirred up I am over this. I will get stirred up somehow.


von said...

yeah, this is normal, unfortunately.
This happens to me too. Only when I come across a child that is trying my patience again and again. I then make myself step back and look at the child as myself. How can I expect anything else if he or she has never had a chance to see anything else.

Oh yeh, thank God for good production! This is my prayer. Yahoooooo!

RCrotty said...

So how did the new guy work out?

mike said...

Funny you should ask RCrotty. The new guy never showed up. Must not want a job that bad.

von said...


godschoosengirl said...

Hey bro, Anne here! I want to tell you that it's only normal to feel a sense of dread when it comes to situations like "a new guy" Working in the ministry that I do, I experience it all the time when I here that we are getting new residents. God has to smack me upside the head then, "remember the people who stuck by you when you were so sick from detoxing, the ones who prayed over you at three in the morning? Remember the ones that showed you my love when you needed it the most?" Then I think oh it's my turn now. AND LET ME TELL YOU, I definately do not feel like doing that all the time, I so have my moments of "ehh, why do I do this, and awww do I have to" but God and his infinate grace allows me to do it anyway.. I just have to be willing, thats it, just willing. And when I do it, no matter how I feel, I always get blessed by seeing God work...ALWAYS!!! So anyway, I am still in awe of the work the Lord has done in your life... Still thinking...WOW who would have thunk it!! GOD BLESS YOU SOCKS OFF and I am looking forward to keeping in touch!!! anne