Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Duh-Moment

We all have those duh...moments. Well, atleast I know I do. I sat down last night and wrote out my July budget. I have purposed to go by it strictly this month. So today I cashed my check, left out just enough cash for my envolope system and deposited the rest. I wrote out my tithe & offering check, then my checks for bills. I decided to go buy groceries. Alls going well so far.

I go through the store and buy exactly what I wrote on my list with the exception of one package of stew meat and one lonely green pepper for tonights stir fry. Only calculating in my head about what everything would cost I went to check out. I was less than two dollars under my food budget. Everything was great. So I thought. I pulled out my wallet and to my dismay, I completely forgot my cash from my envelopes. Duhhh. I thought I was slick up to that point.

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